Background info

For background information on child domestic workers see the following reports:

ANTI-SLAVERY INTERNATIONAL: They Respect Their Animals More: Voices of child domestic workers, 2008 (Available to download in English, French and Spanish from, Jonathan Blagbrough

ANTI-SLAVERY INTERNATIONAL: Child Domestic Workers: A handbook on good practice in programme interventions, 2005 (Available to download in English, French and Spanish from

ANTI-SLAVERY INTERNATIONAL: Child Domestic Workers: Finding a voice (A handbook on advocacy), 2002 (Available to download in English, French and Spanish from

ILO-IPEC: Guidelines on the design of direct action strategies to combat child domestic labour, 2007 (Available to download from

ILO-IPEC: Child Domestic Labour in South East and East Asia: Emerging Good Practices to Combat It, Bangkok, 2005 (Available to download from

ILO-IPEC: Good practices and lessons learned on child and adolescent domestic labour in Central America and the Dominican Republic: A gender perspective. San Jose, 2005 (Available to download from

ILO-IPEC: Helping hands or shackled lives? Understanding child domestic labour and responses to it. Geneva, 2004 (Available to download from